Petroglyphs of the Inga Stone in Brazil

Petroglyphs of the Inga Stone in Brazil There are many theories about who or who sculpted the Petroglyphs in the monolith known as Piedra de Ingá, or in Portuguese known as Pedra do Ingá. It is a set of engravings on a huge rock about 24 meters long by approximately 3 meters high, which contains hieroglyphs that, so far, have not been deciphered by researchers. In total, the rock has about 450 glyphs. The question is whether it is an ancient language engraved on the monolith. Most of the figures, in fact, seem abstract at first glance, but researchers believe that the Ingá Stone conceals an ancient coded message. The main problem is that they lack parallels to be able to make a comparison and possibly get a translation. The Ingá Stone is one of the most significant archaeological monuments on the planet, and one of the greatest enigmas of humanity. It is located in the northeast of Brazil on the banks of the Ingá River near the city of Paraibano. in the municipality of Ingá...