About Me

Andres Gonzalez Hernandez

This article is aimed at those people who follow me through my web pages, my Blogs and through social networks.

First of all, I want to thank you for your interest in my articles and I hope that to some extent it will help you in your search for information about these topics because despite the existence of so much information, the interpretations are varied according to individual experiences and points of view.

I want to tell you a little about those experiences that for more than 30 years led me to carry out my research on these issues and later to share them with you.

My name is Andrés González Hernández, I was born in the city of Coro, capital city of the Falcón State located in western Venezuela. October 29, 1952.

I am an Electronic Engineer graduated from Devry University in Irving Texas USA, Ufologist and Researcher of the Paranormal Phenomenon.

From an early age, I was very curious about paranormal phenomena, I had the desire to learn about mystical experiences, life after death, and topics such as contact with extraterrestrial beings, parapsychology, metaphysics, etc.

In short, everything that is related to the knowledge of the unknown or that information that for centuries has been hidden or distorted.

In the 80s and 90s, I witnessed in the company of my family, friends and members of different movements or sects, innumerable contacts with other realities, such as the appearance of lights in the sky (usually with a scarlet coloration) unidentified flying objects UFOs, and a large number of paranormal experiences.

On the other hand, sometimes, through processes of meditation or experiences of altered consciousness, I saw myself in the presence of four luminous beings, who even when they spoke to me in a language unknown to me, I understood them perfectly, and through that communication, they made me see and experience other realities and teachings.

I know that, the detractors and skeptics can describe these experiences as madness or paranoid, but as I mentioned before, I am an electronic engineer and as a scientist I have a very pragmatic and analytical mind, therefore before even considering the veracity of these experiences and share them, I was forced to analyze them deeply, which led me to have sections with therapists and regressive hypnosis, both with scientists and with scholars in paranormal phenomena, both from my country of origin, Venezuela and the United States of North America and from some other Latin American and European countries.

Finally I understood that I was in the presence of another reality, and that I was having contact with beings from other dimensional and / or extraterrestrial states, so from that moment on, I dedicated myself to trying to understand the meaning of their teachings, as well as transmit them.

For those interested in delving further into these topics, I recommend my website https://elsersupremo.com where you will find a wide variety of related articles.


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