Extraterrestrial Races - Reptilians
Extraterrestrial Races - Reptilians - Also known as Reptiloids, Draconians, or Lizardmen
Since ancient times, there has been talk of civilizations of beings with the appearance of reptiles. In Athens, the legend of the Crecops was told, who was said to be half man and half snake; in India, the Naga, reptilian beings that lived underground and sometimes interacted with humans, were feared.
The Sumerians spoke of a foreign race known as the Anunnaki, who would have genetically manipulated the DNA of man and would have created a hybrid being. The Aztecs, for their part, worshiped Quetzalcóatl, the feathered serpent, which had its equivalent in the Mayan civilization in Kukulcan. In Japan, still in Catholicity, the legend of the Kappa, a humanoid with reptilian features. The physical characteristics of the reptilians.
It is said that they come from a star system called Alpha Draconis and that they currently inhabit a large network of underground caves with long tunnels and can inhabit other dimensions.
The Los Angeles Times Newspaper, in its edition of January 29, 1934, published the news that an underground city inhabited by reptilians had been found, which confirmed certain legends of the Hopi Indians (ancient inhabitants of the central plateau of the United States) that spoke of the existence of immense treasures inside.
The topography of this city in the subsoil had been traced by G. Warren Shufelt, a geophysicist who, based on the old Indian legend known as "The Legend of the Lizardmen", dug together with several assistants a 76 meter deep well on North Hill, Sunset Boulevard. Shufelt was convinced that the surveys would eventually uncover a network of underground galleries and chambers long before the Indians inhabited California, leading him to find the remains of the ancient city of the lizardmen.
Equipped with high-tech X-ray equipment, Shufelt allegedly found an access to the Hollow Earth, although according to some witnesses the area was quickly filled in for unknown reasons. At present, it is unknown whether this excavation was carried out or not, but it is quite probable that this incident served to put the modern reptilian conspiracy back on the public table, which is based on ancient human sources, such as some ancient Sumerian texts..
People refer to the reptilians to speak of beings that control politics, society and the human mind as such through their infiltration among us with the sole objective of subjugating and enslaving human beings.
According to conspiracy theories, the Reptilians have constituted the Illuminati group, human-looking beings but under the orders of the Reptilians who follow very specific political agendas to perpetuate themselves in power and control the world through media manipulation. , genetics and the quest for a centralized world government. The Illuminati would have as a mission the establishment of a New World Order.
Terracotta figurines have been found dating from 4500 to 5500 BC. C. (belonging to the El Obeid Period) in Ur, between 1919 and 1922 during archaeological excavations led by Henry Hall. Some are represented with a lizard head.
Some researchers in favor of conspiracy theory or adherents to the theory of ancient astronauts (Anunnakis), are based on the existence of these figures to prove the thesis of the reptilians.
Archaeologists and explorers discovered a library with more than 22,000 ancient tablets in what is now Iraq in 1951. These tablets contain what are the earliest writings of the Earth and date back to about 6,000, when this region of the earth was known as Mesopotamia, Sumeria and Babylon.
The tablets tell a story that is also reflected in the Bible's book of Genesis. The tablets tell the story of a great flood that changed the face of the earth and its inhabitants, and they tell of the building of a tower and the creation of the spoken word. What in the Bible is related as the tower of Babel and the great flood.
In the tablets and scrolls found, he had included a stellar map of what appears to be our sun and its planets, as the scroll also includes detailed descriptions of our solar system that corresponds to what we know about it today.
The funny thing is that this map includes a planet (or spaceship) that orbits between Mars and Jupiter, which they call Nibiru. According to the texts found, Nibiru entered our solar system and collided with the planet Tiamat. The remains of Tiamat became Eridu which is the earth as we know it today and the remainder of the explosion became the asteroid belt. Nibiru took an orbit around our sun that took 3,600 years to pass between Mars and Jupiter.
In recent years, based on patterns in our solar system, some astronomers have been searching for a planet that would have this same orbit, which led to the discovery of the planet Pluto. The search for Nibiru continues.
According to the texts found, this detailed information was given by the Annunaki and they are described as a race of Reptilian Gods who came to Earth. It is written that they came to extract gold and other elements to use in the protection of the atmosphere of their planet.
This theory of Reptilian Gods of the heavens creating man is not at all unusual and we can find traces of Reptilian history in most regions of our planet.
In the Judaic and Christian cultures, in Genesis, it is related how Adam and Eve are seduced by the Serpent to feed on the Tree of Knowledge (of Good and Evil), and therefore they are expelled from Eden.
There is also a clear allusion to the "great dragon", "the original serpent" enemy of Jesus in the biblical book of Revelation (Rev. 12:12).
In Japan the emperors claimed descent from Dragon Gods who came from the sky. The Australian Aborigines teach about a Reptilian race that lives underground and rules over men, they believe they are descended from a race of human dragons. In China they believe that the Serpent Queen Nu Kua interbred with men.
In India these Reptilian Gods are called, The Nagas and they claim that they sowed their royal families. In the Eastern countries there are traces of a serpent race that created man. In the book of Genesis it talks about giants who came from the heavens to reproduce with the daughters of man, they were called the Nephilim.
In Africa they are called Chitauri, sons of the serpent, and the kings of Africa claimed that they descended from serpent gods who came from heaven. The Mayans spoke that their ancestors were the serpent people, and the Aztecs said to have been created by a serpent woman. The American Hopi Indians believed that the gods of the sky came down to breed with their women, and referred to them as their serpent brothers.
Physical Characteristics of Reptilians
Reptilians have been described as bipedal and androgynous creatures that can reproduce without a partner, standing 2 to 3 meters tall and weighing 120 to 250 kg. With solid bodies with strong arms and legs, which gives them great physical strength. His hands have three fingers and a thumb, while his feet have three fingers and a fourth finger on the back on one side of his ankle.
Its main distinction is its skin, which consists of a rough green skin, with scales, similar to that of a lizard. His eyes are yellow-green, with pupils similar to those of a cat. These beings, in addition, are excellent geneticists and gifted to control the mind and manipulation, with a molecular ability to change physical form, which allows them to change from human form to reptilian form, and vice versa, at will.
According to what has been exposed by some researchers on the subject, as well as accounts of ancient civilizations, they affirm that human beings were seeded on planet Earth by several star nations, which would explain the differences of ethnicity, race, blood type, and the Rh values.
Sean David Morton, argues that the reptilians that currently inhabit among us camouflaged as human beings would differ from man by the following characteristics:
Their reptilian brain would make them extremely intelligent, but it would also turn them into beings devoid of empathy, since it is a brain of pure impulsivity, functional, territorial, and responsible for preserving life, that does not think or feel emotions.
These beings would also have an additional vertebra, suffer from sensitivity to light, and have a very specific blood type. In addition, as cold-blooded beings, they would have lower blood pressure.
As in any other society, they would have a class hierarchy: the Dracos or Draconians would be considered the royalty of the reptilians, while other alien beings known as grays, would be a genetically modified race created by the reptilians themselves to be used as servants.
Hierarchies of the Reptilians
David Icke, theorist of the existence of the reptilian conspiracy, who had a mystical experience during a trip to Peru, would become the creator of the most complete reptilian thesis of today.
In the early 1990s, David Icke, a former professional football player, journalist, presenter and spokesman for the British Green Party in the 1980s, brought the Reptilian conspiracy back into vogue.
In some of the 20 books he has written on the subject, he assures that the reptilians are extraterrestrial hybrids, half human and half reptilian, who live among us and would occupy positions of global power in the main governments of the earth, with full knowledge and complicity of the authorities, international organizations and large commercial and financial corporations.
These beings, according to Icke himself, would use a kind of Matrix to hide the true reality from us. The only way to get out of this docility and generalized anesthesia would be to see the background of the anomalous events, connect them with each other and understand that our life is not what it seems, but rather a psychic imprisonment.
The ideas of David Icke, according to some, would have gone largely unnoticed were it not for one of the most shocking historical events of the new millennium: the terrorist attacks that the United States suffered on September 11, 2001.
These bloody attacks allowed David Icke to develop another theory: that of a self-coup carried out by the reptilian government of the United States to restrict the freedoms of the population and wage a war in the Middle East.
According to David Icke himself and other authors such as John Rhodes, in ancient times the reptilians would have walked among human beings and would have ruled us as gods, using their spiritual powers and advanced technology, while humans were forced to serve as slaves.
Rhodes, in his document The Reptile-Human Connection, states that the Sumerian gods would have genetically created humans to have their own slave race, and that a fallen god, called Ea (also known as Enki), would have taught the human race to understand what was happening allowing us to free ourselves from the reptiles.
Michael Salla, in his book "Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial Presence", ventured the existence of several invading alien races among which the grays, the Reptilians-Annunaki, the Nordics and the rest of cosmic lineages that can add several dozens of different types.
Lawyer Alfred Weber, for his part, coined the term Exopolitics to describe this great cosmic network of power, and affirmed that governments were deceiving us, hiding the UFO information and how most of the stellar neighbors know each other.
David Icke says that there is a strict hierarchy among reptilian creatures. He says that there are two kinds of reptiles: whole blood and cross breeds.
Whole bloods know that they are reptilians and that they can switch between their reptilian and human forms at will. Although they do not actually change their form themselves, their human form is the result of vibrations that change the human mind. So, you might think that you see a human being, but actually the human being is a reptile. It is only your mind that deceives you.
Cross breeds, on the other hand, are not aware that they are reptiles. They believe they are human. Entire races control cross races - they are unknowingly forced to push forward the secret agenda known as the New World Order
Icke also says that in areas where the cross races originated (such as Turkey and Iran), there are more people with a rare blood type known as Rh negative.
Other scholars of this theory believe, on the contrary, that the reptilians would originate from our planet and would have evolved from some dinosaurs on earth, such as the Troodon or Stenonychosaurus, an animal that, unlike the rest of its congeners, was about two meters long.
They had a thorax like a bird and slender limbs that suggested rapid mobility; In addition, they was bipedal and with a marked erect position, its eyes enjoyed a binocular and almost frontal vision, which would have allowed them to perceive depth and, most importantly, they had a brain proportionally larger and more complex than that of other saurians, with abundant encephalic convolutions, indicating a sign of superior intelligence, awareness, and perhaps communication skills (some cryptozoologists believe that, had it evolved, this animal would have mutated into an extremely intelligent, scaly, bald humanoid with no ears or a tail.
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