Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom
Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom
Millions of people in the world believe they have been abducted by aliens or extraterrestrials. Many do not recall having these experiences due to memory suppression. Many are not yet ready to find out, and others feel a very strong need to know about this topic.
Within the field of ufology, abduction is the act by which extraterrestrial beings abduct a living terrestrial being against their will and take it to a certain place, generally to their own spaceship.
The Alien Abduction or Abduction Phenomenon describes "subjectively real memories of having been secretly taken against their will by non-human entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures."
Abductions have always been one of the most strange factors within the complexity of the UFO phenomenon itself. We speak of thousands of people kidnapped and manipulated by beings from other worlds. Whatever the conclusions that can be drawn from its study, the truth is that we are faced with a universal phenomenon, which affects people of all types and conditions, and whose effects have been felt even more times than we could imagine. .
Those who say they have witnessed or suffered an abduction, usually report having entered a room such as a laboratory, where the aliens in them would be conducting the experiments. Whatever the case, after being returned from the kidnapping, some say they have an abnormality in their body, such as the presence of metal objects inside the body.
Common characteristics shared by people who have been abducted by Aliens
A fundamental characteristic that abductees say they live is amnesia, called lost time, witnesses claim to have suffered a significant period of lost time, that is, they feel a strange sensation of having spent a long time, but they do not remember anything or almost nothing none of that elapsed time.
This amnesia almost always prevents the protagonists from remembering the incident. What happened during that lost time can be known through hypnotic regression, professionals such as the American hypnotist Leo Sprinkle, the American hypnotist Berthold Schwarzy and the American hypnotist and engineer James Harder, have managed to obtain accounts of several hundred abductions.
Abduction would be preceded by loss of will and consciousness. The interior of the nave where the abductees would be led is generally described as a round, domed room, illuminated by diffuse light that seems to come from the walls and floor.
Other points in common would be: repetitive nightmares, scars or marks on the body of unknown origin, sudden phobias of objects, smells or noises.
Alien Abductions in Ancient Times
Since the most remote past, the human being has tried to express what he saw according to his understanding, relating the different manifestations with known objects, thus maintaining the similarity with what was observed, these aerial vehicles could have been manned, producing the contact with eventual observers, and transmitting various teachings to them.
Thus they indicate that it is possible that these ships could have been called: glowing borax, clouds with angels (in the Islamic Qur'an). vimanas and flower chariot (in Hindu Ramaiana), vehicles of the gods, chariots of fire, solar discs, clouds of fire, etc. So characters of antiquity, such as some characters indicated in biblical and pre-biblical accounts, would have been abducted in "clouds" or chariots of fire through which they "ascended to the heavens.
The case of the prophet Ezekiel, or Elijah (ascending to Heaven through a chariot of fire that came from heaven), or even the Virgin Mary or Jesus Christ himself (both ascending to the Kingdom of God through a cloud).
The Spanish writer Antonio Ribera, in his work Kidnapped by extraterrestrials (1981), writes:
Subjects generally remember the beginning and end of the episode, but the central part of the episode has been erased from their conscious mind. This erasure has undoubtedly been done through hypnosis: a block has been imposed so that they do not remember experiences, which could sometimes be very traumatic.
Among some of the characteristics and consequences of having been abducted or having had some type of extraterrestrial contact, we can name:
- Photophobia: they are bothered by the light in their eyes.
- Lower than normal body temperature.
- Mainly Rh negative blood type.
- Additional vertebrae.
- Deviated ribs.
- Chronic sinusitis.
- Hypersensitivity to electricity.
- Reactions to electromagnetic fields.
Experiences lived in childhood and during their development stage, such as:
Around the age of five, having had an experience with "bedroom visitors", usually at night, during which non-human beings appear to them. Many of these children claim to have "invisible friends" with whom they talk or play.
Around eleven they suffer a personal traumatic experience: loss of a relative, separation of parents, etc.
From a very young age they develop some special ability or faculty.
Dedication to others From a given moment, the individual performs a social function related to helping others: medicine, assistance.
Progressive interest in Ecology And also in naturalism, ufology, psychic powers, mysticism or the mysteries of past civilizations.
Very vivid dreams. In which the subject is in an unknown place in the company of non-human creatures.
Dreams where the protagonist is seen living in ancient civilizations, observing a UFO or even inside a ship from other worlds.
Lucid dreaming. The dreamer flies over a city or through space.
Lost time. On one or more occasions the subject does not remember where he has been and what he has done during a certain period of time, which ranges from thirty minutes to several hours.
Mystical experiences. If the subject practices meditations or relaxations and reaches feelings of intense and inexplicable integration and communion with the cosmos.
Contacts with other realities. Continuous or sporadic. Revelations of the type: "you are not from here" or "you have a mission to fulfill"
Near death experiences. Or out of body experiences. The changes come in many cases as a result of one of these experiences, as long as they are not caused.
Unexplained phobias Strange reactions to some object, word, color.
Special sensations in certain places: "Something happened to me here that I don't remember" or the feeling of "I've already been here"
Difficulties in social relationships from the first years of life
Feelings of local and family uprooting "I don't feel from here" or "my natural parents are not my real parents".
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