Extraterrestrial Contact - UFO Phenomenon Andres Gonzalez Hernandez
Extraterrestrial Contact - UFO Phenomenon
Andres Gonzalez Hernandez
My purpose with these publications is to share my researches and my experiences with the UFO Phenomenon and Paranormal Phenomena, as well as, share articles related to the Sighting of Alien Ships, Contact with Extraterrestrial Beings, Alien Abductions, Scientific Researches on this phenomenon , in short, all the subjects related to Extraterrestrials.
It is not about convincing the reader of the veracity or not of what it is stated in the published articles, my true purpose is to try to interpret, without any type of bias, the stories, legends, narratives of contacted or abductees, in short, everything related with the UFO phenomenon and Alien Contact.
As I express it in my article, Personal Experiences with the UFO Phenomenon, from an early age I have had contact with other inexplicable realities to the human mind, and I have dedicated more than 40 years of my life investigating the UFO Phenomenon and Paranormal Phenomena.
If we consider that since immemorial time, humanity has had experiences with these phenomena, which even, despite the skeptics, this experiences has been documented in ancient texts, petroglyphs, cave paintings as well as artists from the middle Age, on tablets of ancient civilizations, as are the Sumerian tablets.
In short, in all religious texts, including the Bible, although those articles has been interpreted as Angels or Gods, all the narratives and legends throughout the planet agree that they are beings from heaven.
While it is true that most orthodox scientists, archaeologists and researchers, even doubt the existence of life on other planets, or have, in my opinion, wasted time and money, looking for life similar to ours, without taking the possibility that in the Universes there can be infinite forms of life adapted to their natural environment, and even in other dimensional states, which according to Quantum Mechanics, is very possible, and until now we can define it as Ultraterrestrial.
It is because of the above that it is necessary to have an open mind, capable of accepting the existence of the UFO Phenomenon, without skepticism and / or religious or scientific biases.
Andrés González Herández
Electronics Engineer
Researcher of UFO and Paranormal Phenomena
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