The Anunnaki and the Creation of Humanity


The Anunnaki and the Creation of Humanity

The Anunnaki are the Sumerian deities of the ancient primordial line, they are fertility deities, eventually associated with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the ancient sky god Anu.

The Anunnaki appear in the creation myth, a Babylonian poem that narrates the origin of the world, the Enûma Elish (in Akkadian: "when on high") are the first two words of the poem (its beginning). It is collected on tablets found in the ruins of the Ashurbanipal library (669 BC-627 BC), in Nineveh. Each of the tablets contains between 115 and 170 lines of cuneiform characters dating from 1200 BC. C.

In the late version that magnifies Marduk, after the creation of mankind, Marduk divides the Anunnaki and assigns them to their appropriate stations, three hundred in heaven, three hundred on earth. In gratitude, the Anunnaki, the "Great Gods", built Esagila, the splendid: "They raised high the head of Esagila equaling Apsu. Having built a stage tower as tall as Apsu, they established in it a dwelling place for Marduk, Enlil, Ea ". Then they built their own shrines.

The Annunaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood. The seven judges of hell are called the Annunaki and set the earth ablaze as the storm approaches.

According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the sons of Anu and Ki, the brother and sister gods, themselves the sons of Anshar and Kishar (Skypivot and Earthpivot, the heavenly poles), who in turn were the sons of Lahamu and Lahmu ("the muddy ones"), names given to the guardians of the Abzu (House of Far Waters) temple in Eridu, the site where creation is believed to have occurred. Finally, Lahamu and Lahmu were the children of Tiamat (Goddess of the Ocean) and Abzu (God of Fresh Water).

The Sumerian texts speak of the need to create workers on Earth for the gold deposits "giving them the image of the gods" and enough intelligence to use tools. Enki and her half-sister Nin.Har.Sag (Mistress of the Primordial Mountain) did various genetic experiments. After several unsuccessful attempts, they managed to find a specimen fit for mine work. They called it Lu.Lu, or "one who has been mixed." He was the first "human."

The fact of the creation of man is surprising since it supposes that we were created as a union of two races, one from Nibiru and the other from Sirius. Nibiru, for the Babylonians, was a celestial body associated with the god Marduk. Nibiru means "place that crosses" or "place of transition".

We must remember that the Sumerian myths speak of a Paradise called Dilmun described in the myth of "Enki and Ninhursag". Dilmun is a pure, bright and holy land, watered by 4 freshwater rivers, full of lakes and palm trees and trees. In Dilmun the gods gave birth without pain. An interesting hypothesis is that the "Annunaki" are the Gods described by the Sumerians, and they had "Android Beings" helping them. 

Modern UFOs and Alien Contacts of today bear great similarity to ancient descriptions of the Andean "Anunnaki" Beings. When we look at the descriptions of our modern "Gray Alien", we can clearly see that they do not look like us, or the Anunnaki.

Rather, they resemble the ancient humanoid representations of Figurines. Most Abduction cases generally have a similar story to them in the sense that the Aliens who abduct them will conduct medical experiments and sometimes experiments related to human reproduction.

The Sumerian culture, dating back to 6,000 BC, is the oldest known culture on Earth. Even today we still use the same mathematical system, calendar and time, just as they created it a long time ago. Since we have the evidence left today, 6,000 years later, we can see similarities between what they had then and what we have now.

The Sumerians describe that Planet X (Nibiru) is very far from Earth, (approximately 30,000,000,000) miles away at its furthest point, with an elliptical orbit around the Sun that completes in approximately 3600 Earth years.

The Sumerians had an amazing knowledge of the solar system and its GODS coming down to Earth. They also speak of another being that they described in our terms as "Android Beings".

The Sumerians tell us that the Anunnaki had "helpers" who often performed tasks such as flying their ship or helping with miscellaneous needs. The Sumerians directly explain that these "Helpers" were not alive, but they acted that way ...

They not only made figurines of the visitors, but also wrote in cuneiform text (in stone) what happened during the encounters with these "Android beings". There are many stories where the Emissaries of GOD helped in one way or another.

    Is it possible that the Grays were created by the Anunnaki as "Watchers" to oversee their experiments here on earth? If the Anunnaki are the GODS spoken in all ancient texts and even in the modern Bible, then they may have also created an "Android Race" in addition to creating humans.

Holding the idea that the Anunnaki actually exist on Nibiru (Planet X), and they created man using Genetic Engineering thousands of years ago, then it makes sense that they have a great interest in us. We could be one of your best experiments. What if they also experimented with other species outside of planet Earth? If the Anunnaki exist, then there are also many other races on other planets.

Perhaps the Anunnaki also used a mixture between the well-known "ZETAS" or "GRAY" and created the Android to serve the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki were a heavenly council of seven, which can be interpreted as the first known written record referring to the organized sons of God. According to historical accounts, the Anunnaki were the Gods and Goddesses who occasionally met in the heavens to indirectly determine the fate of humanity if it was not their fault. Abraham's father, Terah, is considered to be one who served the fallen angels, such as the sons of the gods / goddesses, found in the Psalms with reference to the Nephilim.

Sharing part of the Babylonian creation myth as the sons of Anu and Ki, the Anunnaki are associated with the fate of the Earth in the stories of Zecharia Sitchin's Planet X (Nibiru, the 12th planet) and its return to a long elliptical orbit. . The Hopi tribe believe in a similar prophecy called the Blue Kachina, a time when the stars return to oversee a changing cycle of life on Earth.

When examining mysterious Anunnaki artifacts one might notice a unique resemblance to Ancient Egyptian interpretations of gods and goddesses. The angelic features, the solar disk, and the afterlife stories of the Book of the Dead strongly point to an ancient Sumerian influence. Exactly how the Egyptians came into contact with the Sumerians, or which civilization was established first, remains largely up for debate. Archaeological evidence suggests that both cultures may have coexisted for a period between 3,000 and 5,000 years ago when examining the Mesopotamian temples and their distinct relationship to Mastabas of the first and second Egyptian dynasties.

There are several Egyptian artifacts that strip concepts of Sumerian culture, but there are also indications that suggest the possibility that Egypt influenced Sumer during its unification state. Historical times show that the Egyptians established foreign trade routes, secured precious stones, and designed sophisticated structures long before the Sumerians. However, the date that the Sumerian epics were made establishes a time long before the settlement of Nineva 8,000 years ago by a culture that shares similar characteristics to those of the Egyptians and the Sumerians, the Assyrians.

According to Sumerian records, the Anunnaki first landed on Earth around 450,000 years ago, at which time the evolution of Earth was at the point of the higher apes. The Anunnaki came to Earth not to play God, but for a more practical reason: to mine minerals for use on their home planet. The difficulties of mining work soon became too much for them, and they came to the idea of ​​slave labor.

When we look at Aliens' descriptions of people who claim to have been abducted, most aliens are described as little gray beings that have large eyes, a bulbous head, and act almost like "Androids."

Through the great works of scholars like Zecharia Sitchin and Lloyd Pye, we have learned that the Anunnaki are said to have created Humans from the primitive man who was already here, and combined their genes with the primitive Neanderthal to create us. (In his image and after his likeness, like the Bible).

Ancient Sumerian texts define the Anunnaki as "those who came from heaven to earth", described as the royal blood that descends from the heavens and, in certain contexts, the fallen angels or Nephilim.

The story in the Sumerian tablets begins with the account of Enki's arrival on Earth with a group of 50 astronauts, while they were searching for a material that would allow them to perpetuate life on his home planet. Gold. The tablets revealed that the planet's atmosphere had to contain gold dust in order to reflect ultraviolet radiation as this made life on Nibiru very difficult.

The alien went on to say that while they were trying to extract gold from the Earth, the Sumerian gods were not able to withstand physical labor. Enki then came up with the idea of ​​creating servants by combining DNA with hominids on Earth. Then the mission to create sentient humans was given to Enki's wife, a doctor and scientist.

The ruler of his home planet Anu ordered his son Enki, who worked on Earth's mission as the chief genetic scientist, to create a new being, a slave worker, through genetic engineering.

The being had to be advanced enough to perform complex work, that is, more advanced than any of the available animals, but also less advanced than the Anunnaki themselves so that they could justify not treating the new beings as moral persons and using them Like slaves. Enki's solution was to create a genetic hybrid between the higher apes of Earth and the Anunnaki themselves. After many failed experiments narrated in detail in the Sumerian epic Atra-Hasis, there was a success. The result was Homo Sapiens.

The myth of the creation of the earth (Enuma Elish) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this:

When in the heights the heavens had not yet received a name,

and the mainland below had no name yet;

(and) nothing but the primordial Apsu, his progenitor,

(and) chaos - Tiamat, mother of both,

her waters, like a single body, were confused;

(and) the reed debris had not been crowded, the reed had not appeared;

when none of the gods had been brought into being

nor designated with a name, nor decreed their destinies

then it happened that the gods were formed in the bosom of the heavens.

Lahmu and Lahamu were brought into being ... "

The Anunnaki leaders found the new beings to meet their specifications and put them to work in the mines and in other parts of their colonies, which included ancient Mesopotamia. The first men worked for their gods. The Semitic word "avod", which today is interpreted as "worship", literally means "to work for". That was the beginning of the relationship between men and gods. The first men did not worship their gods, they worked for them.

So how did humans evolve from a slave race to a civilization? This happened thanks to Enki. While Anu's task was to create a race of slaves, in his heart Enki wanted more. He wanted to play God, create a being in his image after his likeness, similar to him, not only physically, but also mentally, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually, including all psychic abilities. And he did this.

The other Anunnaki leaders were first enraged and attempted to destroy Enki's creation. The last ice age has just ended at that time, and a great flood swept across the Earth. It was a purely natural event, but the Anunnaki leader Enlil decided to use it to get rid of Enki's creation. Enki, however, foiled his plan by saving a group of humans led by one who came to be known as Noah.

The transformation of the slave animal into the intelligent and emotional moral Person we call human was triggered by Enki giving his creatures the gift of love. This incident is reported, with much distortion, as usual, in the Bible. The "serpent" ("nahash" in the original Hebrew, which has many other meanings) that seduced Adam and Eve to "sin" was Enki. The "fruit" they "ate" was not an apple, nor was it any other physical fruit at all. The word "fruit" used there has a sexual meaning.

By comparative religions, the book of Genesis (600 BC) is believed to have been extrapolated from the Sumerian Epic of Creation, which is believed to have occurred between 6000-8500 BC. The records are also filled with great details of the Anunnaki depicted as observers, evident in later biblical texts from Daniel and Jubilees.

The ancient Sumerians sometimes described these deities as owners of Earth's mineral extracts, using the human race to replenish invaluable resources on their home planet, according to some researchers.


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