Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object


Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object

The term UFO Unidentified Flying Object refers to the observation of a flying object, real or apparent, that cannot be identified by the observer and whose origin remains unknown after an investigation. The term was introduced in 1953 by the United States Air Force to serve as the basis for all reports related to the UFO subject.

One of the most important topics about the UFO Phenomenon is everything related to the most common forms of ships observed, photographed or filmed around the world. According to information obtained over the years by observers, there are many different types of UFOs or Alien Spaceships.

In popular usage, the term UFO was used to refer to sightings of alien spacecraft. Because some ufologists and researchers prefer to use terms like "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP) or "anomalous phenomena", as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). The "anomalous air vehicle" (AAV) or the "unidentified air system" (UAS) are also sometimes used in a military aviation context to describe unidentified targets.

UFOs have become a predominant theme in modern culture, and social phenomena have been the subject of academic research in sociology and psychology. There has been, in the past, some debate in the scientific community as to whether any scientific investigation into UFO sightings is justified, with the general conclusion that the phenomenon was not worthy of serious investigation, except as a cultural artifact.

The void left by the lack of institutional or scientific study has given rise to independent researchers and fringe groups, including the National Committee for Investigations on Aerial Phenomena (NICAP) in the mid-20th century and, more recently, the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). ) and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS). The term "Ufology" is used to describe the collective efforts of those studying reports and associated evidence of unidentified flying objects.

UFOs have been the subject of investigations by various governments that have provided extensive records related to the subject. Many of the most government-sponsored investigations ended after agencies concluded that there was no benefit to continued investigation.

During the Harry Truman government, an investigation was undertaken to find out if US airspace was being violated with certain periodicity by prototypes or pre-series copies manufactured by other nations, especially the Soviet Union. The first of these official investigations began in 1947 under the name of Proyecto Signo, in 1949 it was renamed Project Fastidio and in 1952 as Project Blue Book, which would continue investigating cases until 1969, to begin later, reports Ted Wilding-White, the Project White book.

Classification of UFOs according to their Observation

During Project Blue Book investigations, Hynek proposed two kinds of observations with three types each:

Far Encounters

These are those made over 150 meters (500 feet) away and Hynek33 proposed three types:

Round discs: objects seen during the day with generally round shapes, in any case different from those of conventional devices.

Radar echoes: detections made by primary radars that do not identify themselves.

Night lights: lights of different colors that cannot be associated with the anti-collision lights of conventional aircraft.

Close Encounters

They are those made at less than 500 feet (150 meters) and they would be divided into three types:

First type: it is when an unidentified object is seen flying or on the ground, in the latter case what was sighted would not be a UFO, but it was decided to include it if the ability to fly was assumed. It is the one that gathers the most cases according to Hynek.

Second type: for Hynek it occurs when the object leaves any type of trace, such as burned vegetation or marks on the ground.

Third type: appears when observing a crew member. It is the rarest, but Hynek36 located several cases.

Later other writers such as Fabio Zerpa expanded them to six

Fourth phase: the witness enters the ship, as in abduction cases.

Fifth phase: telepathic contacts, mind to mind.

Sixth phase: radio or radio astronomical signals.

Classification of UFOs by their shape

UFOs could be classified according to different variables, taking into consideration their size, shape, the material from which they are made and by their crew.

Based on their size, we have the Bases or Cities ships, which are ships of a large size sometimes similar to a planet, these remain in orbit and do not access the Earth's atmosphere. then we have the Motherships, George Adamski was the person who popularized the term mother ship, and this is characterized by the ability to house small ships inside. They are smaller and sometimes enter the Earth's atmosphere, they contain the smallest ships such as Assault or Mission ships that are usually shown in videos or photographs, with a size between 7 and 15 meter in diameter with the typical discoidal shape; what was previously known as the "Flying Saucer". Finally, we have the Radars or Sentinels, metallic sphere-shaped ships that are not manned, these spheres can have a diameter of 1 to 3 meters and their speed is less than that of the largest ships and they are usually seen in fleets of more than three.

With regard to the material with which they appear to be manufactured, we can mention several types; There are those with a completely metallic appearance, others with an organic appearance which seem to be made of some type of plasma or organic matter, there are also those that seem to be made of energy, since they are very luminous and sometimes translucent. Also, we can mention the gigantic Cigar-shaped ships (elongated cylindrical) and the famous EBANIS (Unidentified Anomalous Biological Entities) that are often confused with balloons joined in a row.

According to the documented UFO sightings, which are more or less coincident, we can differentiate the following types:

Foo fighters: phenomenon whose name derives from the English language, and means in Spanish fighting ghosts. Its origin dates back to World War II, "since the combat airmen pilots, the Axis powers on the one hand and the Allies on the other, observed this phenomenon and their surprise was that the objects were not detected by the radar". They were observed as small lights, apparently with mass, although in some cases the small lights crossed from the outside into the cockpits of the pilots. Their size reportedly ranged from 10 cm to 5 m, described as incandescent balls. The objects seen by the pilots are now considered to be globular lightning bolts.

Sphere: phenomenon that is generally observed as a solid and opaque body, although translucent or luminous, rigid or flexible spheres have been observed. Also known as caneplas.

Disc: phenomenon that would be observed with a flat shape, sometimes bulging in the center, luminous or with a metallic shine.

Cigar: objects or visions with a cylindrical or similar shape, elongated, luminous and usually larger than the other shapes described. There are also stories that describe them without luminosity or brightness.

Worm: UFO that appears tubular in appearance, showing a movement apparently similar to that of worms. Among ufologists and cryptozoology, he is known as Rod.

Triangle or Delta: phenomenon in which possible triangular-shaped ships have been observed, generally with a light at each vertex. In this last description its true category as UFO is discussed; and most researchers attribute its origin to ground aircraft of an experimental or secret nature, unknown only to the civil world.


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