Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians
Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians
The Arctuarians belong to the fifth-dimensional civilization known as Arcturus, which represents a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy functions as an emotional, mental and spiritual healer for humanity.
According to what Edgar Cayce said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy.
The Arcturians are the benevolent beings of the Bootes Constellation who have kept planet Earth safe from the evil agendas of both the Gray Aliens and the Reptilian Aliens. Arcturians possess universal knowledge of the higher meanings of spiritual and mental health, and allow humans to harness their teachings through the alien channeling of Arcturus.
Arcturus itself is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, which is about thirty-six light years from Earth. Of all the extraterrestrial civilizations, the beings of Arcturus, probably due to their total focus on every aspect of society on the path of God realization. They teach about love, peace, and the spirit; however, the Arcturians also possess the power of war. By using the Arcturian Starship Athena, the Arcturians can protect Earth with incredible strength. Many who follow the teachings of the Arcturians are beginning the conscious age revolution that will one day lead humans into the powerful and mystical forces that the Arcturians practice today!
The Arcturians teach that the most fundamental ingredient for living in the fifth dimension is love. Negativity, fear and guilt must be overcome and exchanged for "Love and Light" which is ultimately the real concept of "GOD".
The Arcturians work closely with the ascended masters whom they call the Brotherhood of All. They also work closely with what they call the Galactic Command. The Arthurians travel the universe in their starships, which are some of the most advanced in the entire universe.
One of the reasons why the Earth has not been attacked by warlike negative aliens has been the fear of those civilizations to the advanced ships of the Arcturians. Their ships are state-of-the-art technology, far more so than anything that has been mentioned so far. One of the starships that surrounds the Earth is called Astronona Athena, in honor of the Greek goddess.
Arcturian Society is ruled by the elders, who are revered by the people of Arcturus for their advanced knowledge, wisdom, and extremely high vibrational frequencies. The higher the vibrational frequency, the closer it is to the Light, or Spirit, or God.
Arcturians have a short physical stature, approximately 1.5 meters. They are very much alike, which makes them happy because they erase the pettiness of comparing the aspect that is so prevalent in Earth society. Arcturians are the most loving and nonjudgmental beings imaginable. Their skin is greenish in color. They have very large, almond-shaped eyes. They only have three fingers. They have the ability to move objects with their minds and are totally telepathic. Its source of nutrition is an effervescent liquid that is highly vitalizing for your entire being.
Their eyes are dark brown or black. Your main organ of vision is actually your telepathic nature, not your physical eyes. His sense of hearing transcends even his telepathic nature. They also have the ability to feel with the back of their heads.
The average life span is three hundred and fifty to four hundred Earth years. Their highly developed spiritual nature has allowed them to avoid aging, as they have the ability to transcend time and space. They end life when the contract that has been arranged for their existence has ended. There is no disease in Arcturus; it was eliminated centuries ago.
In the Arcturian System there are no extreme temperaments. Your civilization is one that has transcended duality and lives in unity. Professions on Arcturus are determined by a person's vibrational frequency and the colors in his aura. For example, those who are in charge of caring for children should have violet as the predominant color in their auras, as only the wisest souls can relate to the young.
The same is true for those who are allowed to give birth. They are examined and tested in terms of their auric and vibrational frequencies, and when they are chosen by elders to give birth to an Arcturian child, people go through an incredible process.
The vibrations of both individuals involved are raised to a 7th dimensional frequency for the birthing process to ensure that they bring forth the most evolved souls (The 7th dimensional frequency is that of an ascended master).
Breeding is an honor on Arcturus and one of the most respected professions. The actual reproductive act is not performed in a physical sense as it is understood on Earth. In Arcturus it is done through a type of mental bond in which the masculine and feminine energies are perfectly balanced. Through this procreation process, some kind of electron force flows through the two beings, creating another being that is a replica of the bond.
The new life form is then brought into a special room that emanates the appropriate vibrational frequencies until the being is ready for integration into a family unit on Arcturus. Many Arcturus beings are seeded on other planets because the high council has ordained this as a great act.
In Arcturus there is no competition. Every thought, word, action, and product is judged on its ability to raise the vibration closer to God. If it doesn't, it doesn't exist in Arcturus. The vibrational frequency of a person is directly related to the mastery he has over his body, emotions, thoughts, actions and creations.
Arcturians have total dominance over these aspects of SELF. They have developed the ability to transcend the ego, the separative, lower, fear-based self. Success is judged only in terms of the measurement of the frequency of the light. There are machines that constantly check the vibrational frequencies that each individual on the planet is manifesting. If a particular Arcturian receives comments that he is not meeting his own goals for evolution, the elders immediately send teachers to help that person.
The ships of the Arcturians are the best in the entire universe. They are propelled by crystals that do not come from that planet but from a planet in the Milky Way that has not been discovered by terrestrial scientists. These crystals have a way of conducting the light energy of the Great Central Sun.
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