How to know if you have been abducted by Aliens or Extraterrestrial

How to know if you have been abducted by Aliens or Extraterrestrial

To find out if you have been abducted by Aliens or Extraterrestrial Beings, compare these common indicators shared by most people who have been abducted by UFOs.

Millions of people in the world believe they have been abducted by aliens. Many do not recall having these experiences due to memory suppression. Many are not yet ready to find out, and others feel a very strong need to know about this topic.

In the Harvard University Gazette in 1992, an article by John by Dr. E. Mack was published, who investigated more than 800 hostages and spent countless therapeutic hours with these people only to find that what surprised him was the 'normality' of the population , including a restaurant owner, several secretaries, a prison guard, college students, a college administrator, and several housewives.

"Most of the abductees do not appear to be deceived, conniving, lying, self-dramatizing or suffering from a clear mental illness." he argued. "" While psychopathology is indicated in some isolated cases of alien abduction, "" evaluation by clinical examination and standardized tests has shown that, as a group, abduction experiences are no different from the general population in terms of prevalence of psychopathology ".

Other experts who have argued that the mental health of the abductees is not better or worse than average, conclude psychologists John Wilson and Rima Laibow, and psychotherapist David Gotlib.

Coincidences with many of these characteristics may have another cause, but if you think you have been kidnapped by aliens and coincide with many of them, contact a specialist to help you channel their experiences and what kind of beings have been experiencing with you.

Here are 55 common Indicators shared by people who have been abducted by Aliens:

You have had unusual marks on your skin, with no possible explanation or how they were received. (in the mouth, nose, behind the ears, genitals, etc.)

You have woken up with marks, scars or burns, which occurred during the night, with no explanation of how you may have received them

You have had wasted time, especially half an hour to an hour, in which nothing was remembered of what was done.

Has you been paralyzed in bed with someone in the room, trying to move without success. Usually while sleeping.

You have woken up seeing fireballs or lights flying in the room, or in other places.

You have had a memory of having been flying through the air, without being able to have been a dream.

He has seen incandescent lights outside his home, or coming into the room through a window.

You have had dreams of UFOs, incandescent lights, or extraterrestrial beings.

You have had a strong sense of having an important mission to accomplish, without knowing where that compulsion comes from.

You have had unexplained events in life, and has felt strangely anxious.

You have woken up in another place where you did not go to sleep, or without remembering if you went to sleep. (face up in bed, or in the car).

You have dreamed of being in "another country", very different from where he lives, which he does not know, with much more advanced technology.

You have had inexplicable strong fears or phobias. (heights, snakes, spiders, long insects, certain noises, bright lights, personal safety or being alone).

You have experienced self-esteem issues at some time in his life.

He has seen someone with you, paralyzed, motionless, as if frozen in time, especially if it is someone you were sleeping or sleeping with.

You have had unusual nosebleeds at any time in your life, or have been awakened by nosebleeds.

You have had, at any time, blood on his pillow, or anywhere on his clothes, without knowing how it got there.

You have suddenly driven or walked outside of the area that you are familiar with, for no apparent reason.

You have had the feeling of being watched most of the time, especially at night.

You have had dreams of passing through windows or walls.

You have seen a strange mist or smoke, which you have felt should not be there.

You have had neck and back problems, T-3 vertebra, or waking up with severe pain anywhere in your body, for no reason or reason.

You have had chronic sinusitis or nasal problems.

You have had problems with electronics around you, with unexplained malfunctions. (such as lowering the intensity of street lights when walking under them, or affecting the signal of televisions or radios when walking near them etc.)

You have sporadically had high-pitched sounds in your ears, especially one.

You have had an unusual fear of doctors, or of operations in particular.

You have had dreams of doctors or medical procedures, such as operations.

You have had sudden severe headaches, especially in the sinus, behind one eye, or in one ear.

You have had paranormal or psychic experiences, including intuition.

You have been afraid of your wardrobe, now or as a child.

You have had to sleep against the wall or with the bed against the wall, for fear behind your back.

You have had a hard time believing in other people, especially authorities.

You have had dreams of destruction or catastrophe.

You have  a "marked memory", which does not go away easily. (the face of an alien, physical exams, strange babies, etc.)

You have suddenly remembered images of UFOs, during your life.

You have had dreams with large eyes, like animal eyes, or remembering to be staring at an animal, and he is staring at you.

You have afraid of the gaze of animals.

You have had strong reactions to seeing the face of an alien drawn, likewise, to draw aliens often, losing concentration around him.

You have a very strong interest in UFOs or aliens, despite reading a lot about them, or an extreme aberration to the subject.

You have heard strange sounds, such as pulses or screeches, without being able to identify where they are coming from.

You have seen or felt a very strong human silhouette near her home, especially near the bed.

You have insomnia problems, or trouble being able to sleep, and being alert to any nighttime sounds.

You have the feeling of going crazy, thinking too much about these issues.

You have compulsive or addictive behavior.

You have extraterrestrial telepathic messages etched in his mind, without knowing where they come from.

You have sexual or relationship problems with other people. (such as mysterious feelings that you shouldn't get involved in a relationship, because it may interfere with something important that you should do).

Take vitamins, pills, or pills, more often than most people.

Secretly feel that he is special or the chosen one. 

You have had dreams where higher beings, angels or aliens are educating him about the world and men, the universe, changes in the earth or future events.

He has had inexplicable x-ray revelations, where foreign objects appear inside his body.

You have thought, as a child, that everyone is playing a Big Prank on him, and he doesn't trust anyone, not even his own parents.

You have the feeling that he should not talk about these topics with anyone, or strictly not talk or mention them.

You have tried to solve or find a solution or explanation for these events, with little or no result.

Women only: Having had a false pregnancy, or miscarriage. (or being pregnant, and then suddenly not anymore).

You have many of these qualities, but You have absolutely no recollection of alien abductions.

The Spanish writer Antonio Ribera, in his work Kidnapped by extraterrestrials (1981), writes:

Subjects generally remember the beginning and end of the episode, but the central part of the episode has been erased from their conscious mind. This erasure has undoubtedly been done through hypnosis: a block has been imposed so that they do not remember experiences, which could sometimes be very traumatic.




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