Extraterrestrial Races - Gray Aliens


Extraterrestrial Races - Gray Aliens

The Gray Aliens are cloned extraterrestrial beings created by the Reptilian Aliens as a slave race. Reptilians are highly advanced but negative and hostile beings towards humans. They would inhabit a planetoid led by them and would be in search of a new planet to live on.

Since their rebellion against the oppressive regime of the Reptilian Aliens, the Gray Aliens have wondered at the far reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy and Universe.

Their physical characteristics are similar: grayish skin, a large head with an inverted "pear" shape, without hair, large black eyes, a small mouth without lips, they have almost no nose, ears without a pinna, their body is thin, their very long arms and fingers reproduce by cloning as their reproductive system has been presumably damaged by noxious radiation.

These beings do not have good intentions with humans, they are responsible for the abductions, it seems that they are trying to cross their race with the human race to create a hybrid race, which would be better than either of the two or perhaps they are trying to repair their physical damage by using of human organs, substances, or genes.

The grays are also a very intelligent race, so they are gaining ground in their desire to control the human race through the agreement they have with the United States and perhaps other powers, they grant their technology, in exchange for human lives, and the installation of their bases in the territories that certain countries grant them. In the US, they have bases located in New Mexico and Nevada, one of them is Area 51.

These are the best known aliens, there are at least 3 different types: those of approximately 1.5 m in height, which are the most numerous, come from the binary star system Zeta 2 of the constellation Reticulum. Those around 2.20 m tall come from Orion, and those 1 m tall come from a star system near Orion called Bellatrax.

Many different types of entities have been reported, but the Gray Aliens are by far the beings most frequently described as the contact type between contactees; in fact, approximately 50% of all contactees describe what is known as the "typical" encounter with Gray Aliens.

The Gray Aliens are responsible for many close encounters experienced by people today and have become a popular culture phenomenon since reports from Roswell, New Mexico and Area 51, which are said to contain the mortal remains of Gray Aliens. . Today, the Gray Aliens are known to have made secret agreements with Earth governments. These agreements allow the Gray Aliens to experiment with human test subjects to find a solution to their most serious problem, the extinction of their race.

Many people have reported sightings of unidentified flying objects and a much smaller, but still significant number of those people have also reported some type of contact with entities allegedly piloting those objects.

Characteristics and Behaviors commonly associated with Gray Aliens by those who claim to have some type of contact with them. Genetic experiments, creation of a gray and human hybrid race, mind control and diplomatic agreements with the "shadow government."

  • ·       Genetically modified humans
  • ·       Tracking humans with implants
  • ·       Abductees mental programming
  • ·       Committed political elites
  • ·       Infiltrated National Security Agencies
  • ·       Human Rights Abuse

Why Do Gray Aliens Abduct Humans?

There is only one reason why gray aliens are most often described in close encounters and alien abductions. These creatures travel through the skies on your disk like flying saucers and continue to elude most of the population.

Gray Aliens are very unique and sometimes people can't help but feel sorry for them, but we must remember their true nature and their evil creators.

After the Gray Aliens rebelled against Reptilian oppression and forced their way into the dark fringes of space, they began to face an epic problem; his race was dying.

Because the gray aliens were cloned beings, they were not equipped with any reproductive organs; Therefore, his race was no longer able to grow and sustain its population. Although the gray aliens have many advanced technologies passed down from their creators, they do not possess the knowledge and understanding of perfect cloning.

They soon realized that their physical bodies were degenerating every time they cloned their bodies. Each time they had to clone themselves before, only living between 20 and 30 years.

Due to their dying race and the inability to clone perfectly, they have embarked on a mission to find a solution. They soon came across our planet and decided to use our earthly bodies for experimentation.

The Grays soon reached agreements with various earthly governments, in exchange for technology, to have permission to abduct and conduct experiments on humans. It is also said that there are a large number of gray aliens that exist in underground bases where various projects are underway to perfect the cloning methods (Area 51).

However, they continue to remain here on Earth to carry out their experiments.

With a large number of their population flying across the galaxy, we must be careful due to their desperate attempts to save their race. Although they have been silent and passive, their true nature is evil and that is why we have received the protection of the Starship Athena and the Arcturian warriors.


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