Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians

Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians The Arctuarians belong to the fifth-dimensional civilization known as Arcturus , which represents a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy functions as an emotional, mental and spiritual healer for humanity. According to what Edgar Cayce said in his teachings that Arcturus is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. The Arcturians are the benevolent beings of the Bootes Constellation who have kept planet Earth safe from the evil agendas of both the Gray Aliens and the Reptilian Aliens. Arcturians possess universal knowledge of the higher meanings of spiritual and mental health, and allow humans to harness their teachings through the alien channeling of Arcturus. Arcturus itself is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, which is about thirty-six light years from Earth. Of all the extraterrestrial civilizations, the beings of Arcturus, probably due to their total focus ...