Sighting of Reptilian Extraterrestrial Beings - by Romanian General Emil Strainu

Sighting of Reptilian Extraterrestrial Beings Confirmation of the existence of Reptilian Aliens by Romanian General Emil Strainu Romanian General Emil Strainu (retired), doctor in geophysical warfare, expert in radiolocation (radar technology) he strongly believes and has publicly affirmed the existence of reptilian extraterrestrial beings, and that they inhabit large underground bases. Retired General Emil Strainu is the author of dozens of esoteric books spreading true knowledge, and he is frequently invited to the most important esoteric events in the world. He talks about aliens, intraterrestrials, and hundreds of other related topics. General Strainu has held the following positions: "Adviser to the Romanian Parliament on unconventional issues and asymmetric threats". "Director of the Special Situations and Research Center on UFOs and Psihotronics." "Founder of the Association for the Study of Aerospace Phenomena not identified." An impressiv...