Petroglyphs of the Inga Stone in Brazil


Petroglyphs of the Inga Stone in Brazil

There are many theories about who or who sculpted the Petroglyphs in the monolith known as Piedra de Ingá, or in Portuguese known as Pedra do Ingá. It is a set of engravings on a huge rock about 24 meters long by approximately 3 meters high, which contains hieroglyphs that, so far, have not been deciphered by researchers.

In total, the rock has about 450 glyphs. The question is whether it is an ancient language engraved on the monolith. Most of the figures, in fact, seem abstract at first glance, but researchers believe that the Ingá Stone conceals an ancient coded message. The main problem is that they lack parallels to be able to make a comparison and possibly get a translation.

The Ingá Stone is one of the most significant archaeological monuments on the planet, and one of the greatest enigmas of humanity. It is located in the northeast of Brazil on the banks of the Ingá River near the city of Paraibano. in the municipality of Ingá, in the State of Paraiba, in Brazil.

What is enigmatic is not the composition of the rock, but the more than 400 engravings whose age according to the latest estimates could be around 6000 years. In which you can see different drawings of varied morphology, some zoomorphic, others that represent abstract signs, although some are very surprising and enigmatic, such as one of the drawings shows a cross, another of the enigmatic drawings shows what appears to be a Jet plane, although others are recognizable as a skull or a rose, archaeologists have not been able to decipher the enigmatic message that the stone contains.

Curvilinear themes stand out above all. In the rare cases where a different representation appears, they appear to be reptiles or men.

Ingá's monument had to represent something really important, due to the difficulty of its artisans to do the job. According to most researchers, it could be a religious cult center, related to astronomical elements. Many researchers claim that his engravings are unique in the world.

One point of contention about Inga's panel inscriptions is the method used to produce them.

Baraldi bases this idea on the fact that the signs of Inga are drawn with precise contours, very well done and that they are preserved despite the ravages of time and natural forces, such as the water of the Ingá river that, periodically, rise , submerging part of the monument. In fact, during the rainy season the great monolith is partially covered by water.

Theories about who or who made the carvings on the Ingá Stone

Although there are many and varied theories about which civilization made the rock carvings, the most likely corresponds to the primitive indigenous people known as Los Tupi who lived in this area called Itacoatiara, which in their language simply means stone.

Another theory, which some researchers defend, is that the hieroglyphs correspond to Phoenician writings.

Ludwig Schwennhag was an Austrian researcher who at the beginning of the 20th century went to Brazil in search of Phoenician remains that would prove that they had reached this region of South America, he related the inscriptions on the Ingá stone with Phoenician hieroglyphic writing and even with Egypt, although he could not decipher the content of the drawings.

Other hypotheses is that it is about the extraterrestrial engineering work, for example, that they would have been made with lasers by ancient extraterrestrial astronauts, which would be an alphabetic writing (symbols that represent sounds) or even an ideographic or pictographic writing (symbols that express ideas instead of sounds), and that corresponds to complex mathematical models which would indicate the distance of the Moon from the Earth, as well as formulas for the production of quantum energy, among other suggestions.

In 1976 the Spanish engineer Francisco Pavía Alemany began a mathematical study on this archaeological monument. Pavía identified in Ingá the most extraordinary known archaeological record of the variation of the solar ortho throughout the year, materialized by a series of bowls and other petroglyphs engraved on the vertical surface, which, like a graduated limb, would form a solar calendar, on the that a gnomon would cast the shadow of the first solar rays of each day.

Later, Pavía continued with Ingá's study, this time focusing on registering a series of signs recorded on the rocky surface of the riverbed itself, where a large number of stars can be observed that can be grouped into constellations. Both the capsular record and the constellation record in itself provide Ingá with great value, but the coexistence of both in the same site gives Ingá exceptional archaeoastronomical importance.

The ufologist Claudio Quintans, who is the president of the Paraibano Ufology Center, defends that the inscriptions would be the work of visitors from space who landed in the area in ancient times. Ingá's symbols are very different from those found so far in the area. Due to this, Claudio Quintans, has made the following theory in this regard. According to him there is the possibility that a spaceship had landed in the Ingá area in ancient times and the symbols were traced by the extraterrestrial visitors themselves on the rock walls.

One of the most notable researchers who has studied the Ingá Stone was the Brazilian of Italian origin Gabriele D’Annunzio Baraldi. In his opinion, the rock would be the story of the universal flood written in a language very similar to Hittite, spoken in the second millennium BC in present-day Turkey.

The Astronomical Archaeohypothesis

Baraldi, in the Atlantean vision of him, some groups of humans originating from the mythical island would have been saved from floods and catastrophic earthquakes by heading both east, that is, towards Europe, and southwest, towards Brazil.

Baraldi argued that the Tupi-Guarani language, spoken by many South American ethnic groups, has a distant common origin with the Hittite language, belonging to the famous Indo-European people who flourished in Anatolia 18 centuries before Christ. He declared that the Ingá petroglyph tells the story of the catastrophe that destroyed Atlantis, or the universal flood, which happened 9500 years before Christ.

There is a hypothesis that gives the Ingá petroglyphs exceptional importance from an archaeoastronomical point of view.

On the basis of these studies, Baraldi, who studied the Inga stone since 1988, developed his theory presented in the book The American Hittite, which, as its name suggests, postulates the presence of the Hittites in Brazilian lands in a very historical period. remote.

The key to the translation, made by Baraldi, was the identification of Tupy-Guarany, the mother tongue of the indigenous Brazilians with a language called Proto-Hittite. According to the researcher, Proto-Hittite was spoken and written in the mythical civilization of the Atlanteans, about 50,000 years ago.

Baraldi explains that the Hittites who lived in the mountains of Anatolia (present-day Turkey) since 2,500 BC, developed a very advanced civilization technically, but also mentally and spiritually. In his chronicles, they record the occurrence of a very ancient catastrophe: the annihilation of a great archipelago located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean current.

According to the researcher Yuri Leveratto, Baraldi's hypothesis could be considered real, and the message written on Ingá's Stone could be written in nostrático, the oldest language of humanity.

Some authors think that due to the relationship with Celtic symbols they think that the ancient Carthaginians with their Celtic allies fled here after the defeat of the Carthaginians against the Romans.

Panels of Engravings in the Ingá Stone

At the beginning of the recordings there is a spiral to the right, while at the end there is another spiral, to the left, both painstakingly made, with remarkable polish.

Clusters of stars and points are carved in the stone that easily recall constellations and the Milky Way. Taking into account the relative position of the stars, as well as the representation of the order of brightness (magnitude), some scholars judge that the constellation Orion is represented there.

On the granite block there are other inscriptions, in smaller numbers. One of them, located in the center of the panel that resembles a representation of a radiant sun, in a semicircle, from which 21 rays come out, turned towards the lower part of the wall.

The finishing of all Ingá's inscriptions provides the idea of ​​polishing that seems to confirm the hypothesis, according to archaeologists, regarding the process used to make the recordings: they would have been executed by means of hard rocks or wood, soaked in water and , immediately, polished with sand, as if it were a sandpaper. The grooves that make up the figures or designs engraved on this rock are half four inches wide.

Although many experts have speculated on the origins and meaning of these symbols, so far it has not been possible to prove 100% that any of these theories is a fact. Is it a message from our ancestors for future generations? Was there an unknown civilization that possessed a technology that was forgotten millennia ago?

In short, regardless of which theory seems most compelling to us, there is little doubt about the significance of this finding. The engravings of the Ingá Stone would have a certain special meaning for someone, and expressed in a meticulous way. We are still very far from correctly understanding the information that is marked on the Ingá Stone, which makes it yet another archaeological mystery to be solved. What is left in the world are mysteries.


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