Contacted - Billy Meier Case


Contacted - Billy Meier Case

An emblematic case of contact with extraterrestrial beings is that of Billy Meier. A farmer who lived in a place called Hinwell, territory of Switzerland, who said he had contact with beings from the Pleiades in 1975.

What most attracted Meier's attention was the physical similarity between humanoids and Earthlings. He said that SEMJASE, the commander of the ship, was beautiful, in the Nordic style of her, with blond hair, 1.70 m tall, in the same way they were also her companions. SEMJASE spoke with him in the usual language of the Swiss canton, indicating that they came from the Pleiades, 500 light years from our planet and that her planet is called ERRAS, belonging to the TAYGETA system. Finished the dialogue with Meier, they marched to their ship, with the proposal of future meetings. Having his camera, Meier photographed the takeoff of the ship, its color changes, its movements, etc. With the passage of time and all the encounters of him, he obtained a collection of more than eight hundred photos and videos.

Billy Meier continued, at that time, with his extraterrestrial contacts. The evidence that he had gathered up to then began an in-depth investigation by NASA scientists. In a laboratory specially prepared for this case, Colonel Wendelle Stevens, envoy of NASA, began the investigation task. Starting with the photographs. These had already approved the first analyzes and were successful, as there was no fraud in them.

However, Stevens decided to submit them to a more in-depth analysis with the latest device released according to the technology of the time, which could assess whether the material was faked or not. The Microdimensiometer was used, with which it is possible to enlarge the photograph through a microscope and then process grain by grain using the laser. At the end of that great effort, it was concluded that there was no fraud, no overlap and that therefore the photos were authentic. In other tests, the videos and recordings of the noise of the ships were analyzed, using state-of-the-art technology for the date, reaching the conclusion that the contact was true.

When questioned by the international press, Meier began his explanations by ordering the photographs and separating them according to the type of ship. Little was expected of this farmer who should speak about space matter. What could he explain? But he answered correctly using highly scientific language, which had nothing to do with his country man image.

He explained that the Pleiadians use two propulsion systems; for speeds lower than that of light they apply the principle of collecting photons, which are found in the environment. The ships take them and project them forward thus creating an energetic and air vacuum, so that the impulse is given by the pressure of the entire atmosphere that remains behind the vacuum and the larger the ship, the greater the impulse. This is the way they use to overcome gravity and inertia. To overcome the speed of light they use the other system, based on the use of "tachyons", energy particles that travel in space at a higher speed of light; thus they are transported at high speeds, achieving three-dimensional travel. It is to be noted that these explanations of UFO propulsion were not in any book or document at the time Meier announced them.

SEMJASE's words to explain the operation of the ships, according to Meier were the following:

    "The ships are equipped with two propulsion systems, one for normal propulsion and the other for hyperspace. It is the only way for time and space to disappear; this is how we are able to cover distances of thousands of light-years in seconds."

    "If a ship breaks the light speed barrier, without reaching hyperspace, instantly, a catastrophe can occur alongside the crew."

    "Our ships are protected by a film of energies that resists any attack by foreign matter and with this protective screen we are able to neutralize the effects of the gravity field of any planet we approach"

Billy Meier's contact with SEMJASE resulted in a worldwide phenomenon to discover more information about who the Pleiadians were and where they came from.

Billy Meier states that, according to the information received, the Pleiadians are fond of gardening and this allows them to keep in touch with creation. Some of its flowers change color during the day to get the maximum benefit from the sun.

He explains that each Pleiadian should become familiar with 12 to 20 professions. They do not marry until at least 70 and mature in 12 to 15 years, and have strict physical and mental examinations before marriage.

Message from SEMJASE that he transmitted to Billy Meier for Humanity

We come from ERRA, in the Pleiadian System, you and we are part of a common trunk, as in many other civilizations that inhabit this galaxy, we are part of the same creator.

We call our ships "beings", their name comes from times back in history, when the first propulsion system that crossed the stars consisted of an apparatus that moved by means of light, since light is one of the main means of transmission. First we travel with it, now the energy of our minds moves us, it reduces space and time, so we can travel the universe in unlimited travel.

Semjase traveled 7 hours, covering a distance estimated to be many light years, and each light year is the equivalent of a journey of 700 million miles. Semjase told Billy Meyers, that actually the journey took him three and a half hours to reach the solar system, the rest of the time I spend between converting known time into abstract time and vice versa, he stated that on the journey he must become spirit to be able to take the leap.

An interesting confirmation of the authenticity of Meier's ratifications was printed in the January 2002 issue of National Geographic magazine. In that issue an article was published confirming that Mount Everest is not the highest mountain in the world, exactly as Meier claimed in the 1970s, according to the conversation of contact No. 31 of July 17, 1975 with the Pleiadians. .

Meier states in his writings that the Pleiadians told him that Mount Chimborazo in Ecuador is 2,150 meters higher than Mount Everest, since the earth is not totally round, but is more dented in the middle; that is why the measurement from sea level is not accurate enough to measure the height of a mountain.

National Geographic claimed that scientists had determined that the earth dents in its middle due to the Earth's rotation. Therefore, Mount Chimborazo is 2,200 meters higher than Mount Everest when measured from the center of the planet. The news says that, measured from the center of the earth, Mount Chimborazo is 6384450 meters high and Everest is 6382250 meters.

Anyone would agree that it would be an extraordinary feat for a poor Swiss peasant with no high school education to choose precisely this mountain and declare it the highest in the world, years before scientists discovered this fact.

Billy Meier Extraterrestrial Contacts Video


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