Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object
Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object The term UFO Unidentified Flying Object refers to the observation of a flying object, real or apparent, that cannot be identified by the observer and whose origin remains unknown after an investigation. The term was introduced in 1953 by the United States Air Force to serve as the basis for all reports related to the UFO subject. One of the most important topics about the UFO Phenomenon is everything related to the most common forms of ships observed, photographed or filmed around the world. According to information obtained over the years by observers, there are many different types of UFOs or Alien Spaceships. In popular usage, the term UFO was used to refer to sightings of alien spacecraft. Because some ufologists and researchers prefer to use terms like "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP) or "anomalous phenomena", as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). The ...