
Showing posts with the label UFO Phenomenon

The Giants or Colossi of Mount Prama - Sardinia

  The Giants or Colossi of Mount Prama - Sardinia The myth that Sardinia is the land of Giants, comes true, taking human form in huge stone statues dating back three thousand years, found on the hill of Mount Prama , on the Sinis peninsula, in the central-west  of Sardinia. It is estimated that in ancient times, the statues were lined up to protect the necropolis along the road at the foot of the Mount Prama hill, alongside huge sacred stones and reproductions of nuragas. The Giants or Colossi of  Mount  Prama are sculptures that are believed to have been created by the Nuragic civilization, they represent the traces of a culture that inhabited the island of Sardinia between the 18th and 2nd centuries, no written records of this civilization have been discovered, apart from some small possible epigraphic documents belonging to the last stages of civilization. Researchers have yet to agree on whether the Nuragic culture originated on the island itself or perhaps...

Extraterrestrial Contact - UFO Phenomenon Andres Gonzalez Hernandez

Extraterrestrial Contact - UFO Phenomenon Andres Gonzalez Hernandez My purpose with these publications is to share my researches and my experiences with the UFO Phenomenon and Paranormal Phenomena, as well as, share articles related to the Sighting of Alien Ships, Contact with Extraterrestrial Beings, Alien Abductions, Scientific Researches on this phenomenon , in short, all the subjects related to Extraterrestrials. It is not about convincing the reader of the veracity or not of what it is stated in the published articles, my true purpose is to try to interpret, without any type of bias, the stories, legends, narratives of contacted or abductees, in short, everything related with the UFO phenomenon and Alien Contact. As I express it in my article, Personal Experiences with the UFO Phenomenon, from an early age I have had contact with other inexplicable realities to the human mind, and I have dedicated more than 40 years of my life investigating the UFO Phenomenon and Paranormal Phenom...

Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object

  Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object The term UFO Unidentified Flying Object refers to the observation of a flying object, real or apparent, that cannot be identified by the observer and whose origin remains unknown after an investigation. The term was introduced in 1953 by the United States Air Force to serve as the basis for all reports related to the UFO subject. One of the most important topics about the UFO Phenomenon is everything related to the most common forms of ships observed, photographed or filmed around the world. According to information obtained over the years by observers, there are many different types of UFOs or Alien Spaceships. In popular usage, the term UFO was used to refer to sightings of alien spacecraft. Because some ufologists and researchers prefer to use terms like "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP) or "anomalous phenomena", as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). The ...

Scientific Theories on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life

  Scientific Theories on the Search for Extraterrestrial Life There are some important international scientific efforts in the search for extraterrestrial life. These include; The search for extrasolar planets, Listening to extraterrestrial signals that indicate intelligence, Robotic exploration of the Solar System, among many other experiments. Scientists search for extraterrestrial life in three main ways: Direct search, that is, the observation of microbial life or of any kind in the celestial bodies that humanity comes to visit. Indirect detection, or the detection of distinctive features or marks of life on celestial bodies through advanced telescopes. Listening to artificial signals, which would allow the detection of true extraterrestrial civilizations that emit electromagnetic radiation as a by-product of their technological advancement. Because the UFO Phenomenon for the moment remains essentially outside the scope of science (due to the lack of data, and therefore the pos...

Was the Human Race Planted on Earth?

    Was the Human Race Planted on Earth? T here are various theories of how life originated on earth, and how it evolved until the formation of Homo Sapiens, better known as the Hyman. It is not a secret that today the so-called "missing link" in other words, the leap between monkey and man is a reality that will never be scientifically known. At present and according to various investigations and translations of texts from ancient civilizations, there is a theory that extraterrestrial beings genetically manipulated primates to turn them into the intelligent beings that we are. According to the Sumerian texts, the race known as the Annunaki, created us to be their slaves while they mined the resources of this planet. The Anunnaki appear in the creation myth, a Babylonian poem that narrates the origin of the world, the Enûma Elish. It is collected in about 22,000 tablets found in the ruins of the library of Ashurbanipal (669 BC-627 BC), in Nineveh. Each of the tablets contains...

UFO Phenomenon - Extraterrestrials Contact

  UFO Phenomenon - Extraterrestrials Contact Extraterrestrial refers to any object or being beyond (extra) planet Earth (terrestrial). It is derived from the Latin root extra ("outside", "outwards") and from terrestrial ones ("earthly", "from or in relation to the Earth").  One of the most difficult areas for those investigating the alien, is the large number of alien races that appear in the testimonies of a variety of whistleblowers / contactees / abductees and other sources. Differentiating between these alien races in terms of physical appearance, motivations, and activities is essential for everyone who wants to fully understand the alien phenomenon. There is evidence that since time immemorial the earth has been visited by beings from other planets. If we analyze ancient texts, we observe references to beings from space. Some researchers have come to the conclusion that behind the myths and legends of gods, demons and Marian apparitions lie...