UFO Phenomenon - Extraterrestrials Contact
UFO Phenomenon - Extraterrestrials Contact
Extraterrestrial refers to any object or being beyond (extra) planet Earth (terrestrial). It is derived from the Latin root extra ("outside", "outwards") and from terrestrial ones ("earthly", "from or in relation to the Earth").
One of the most difficult areas for those investigating the alien, is the large number of alien races that appear in the testimonies of a variety of whistleblowers / contactees / abductees and other sources. Differentiating between these alien races in terms of physical appearance, motivations, and activities is essential for everyone who wants to fully understand the alien phenomenon.
As a phenomenon for which there is no evidence, but it can be rigorously obtained using the scientific method (astrobiology and pro-scientific ufology). As a fact that is accepted as real and of which evidence must simply be accumulated to convince all non-believers (popular or commercial ufology, called unscientific ufology). As a paranormal phenomenon within the occult (theory less accepted by orthodox science and most of UFO, since it lacks scientific objectivity).
According to some skeptics, the unscientific and occult approaches to ufology are as varied, as are the opinions of those who propose the theories. At the same time they say that such approaches do not enjoy any scientific acceptance, and only astrobiology and pro-scientific ufology come close to the notion of science, without being fully accepted. However, there is so much and so notorious evidence that every day we find more scientists dedicated to the study of this phenomenon. Recently the US government has declassified photos showing unidentified flying objects circling our planet.
According to my personal experience, I can affirm that there is another reality. In this article I present evidence of my experiences, such as the photo you see at the top, which was taken at Finca Santa Juana, Pariaguán, Anzoátegui State, Venezuela. On February 2, 2008, where the trajectory of a UFO is shown, it must be taken into account that it was taken with a non-professional camera with the technology of the time, so it would seem several objects, however, it is only an illusion for the exposure time of the lens. I also present at the bottom of this article a video of the sighting of a UFO filmed by me from the garden of my house in San Antonio de los Altos, Venezuela, accompanied by my wife, sister-in-law and children, in November 1993. Presented in the Juan Manuel La Guadia Program by a Venezuelan television channel (In the following link index.php / videos / videos-phenomenos-ufo-y-paranormal, in the video section of this portal, you will find the original video without being edited, with the original audio).
Therefore, according to my personal experiences, if you ask me if I believe in the existence of life on other planets, my answer is no, because it is believed in what is not known or has not been seen. If they asked me if I believe that I am a man, my answer would be no, since I do not believe that I am a man, since I am 100% sure that I am, therefore I do not believe it, I just know it. In the case of the UFO phenomenon I affirm the same, I do not believe it, simply and according to my experiences and personal experiences, I am 100% sure of its existence therefore I simply know.Many skeptics claim that saying "I have seen a UFO" does not indicate if not the observer's ignorance to identify what was seen. By this negative definition, a UFO can be anything. This prevents a scientific treatment of the matter. They say that there are unlimited objects that fall within this definition, and it is not possible to found a science for their study. Thus we find that most of them up to 98% are confusions: they are objects or lights that have nothing to do with space invaders.
They assure that more than half of the nocturnal sightings have astronomical origin: the Moon, planets like Venus or Jupiter, or bright stars. Many others are caused by natural objects: lenticular clouds, light reflections in layers of thermal inversion, mirages, lightning, so-called ball rays, northern lights, fireballs, shooting stars and other meteors, flocks of birds, and so on. There are also artificial UFOs: planes, helicopters, hot air balloons, space junk, satellites, rocket sections on their re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere.
I agree that, for a few decades with the invention of airplanes, helicopters, launching satellites into space, space shuttles, etc. esc. etc. such confusion is possible. Now I ask you, all the narratives that we find in ancient civilizations, including the bible that is full of events with beings from space, the Hindu Vimanas, the experiences described by the captains of marine vessels in hundreds of logs through the history, including Christopher Columbus arriving at the then Spanish island, where they describe luminous, spherical, circular or cylindrical objects emerging from the depths of the ocean and taking flight, and even flying over their boats, at a time when electricity did not exist and much less flying objects.
When we read or watch a television program, where scientists talk about the experiments to determine if life exists in other parts of the universe, where they describe them as serious looking for intelligent life outside our planet, like the SETI project, without detracting from the An effort of more than three decades that tries to detect intelligence signals from other parts of the cosmos and that until now have not heard anything, except for some signals that disappeared, were not located in time or were not repeated. It shows a total ignorance of the Cosmos.
Man has always believed himself the center of the universe (the last glass of water in the desert) that is vanity, on which the empires and the main religions of the world were established. Decades have passed and hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars have been invested in unsuccessful research, because they only seek a life similar to ours.Bien en ese caso les digo que es posible que en el universo conocido, existan muchos planetas con condiciones similares al nuestro, donde la vida derivada del carbono y el agua se pudo haber desarrollado.
Which are in constant vibration. Our visual range has its limitations, we cannot see x, gamma, ultraviolet or infrared rays, just as our ears cannot detect ultrasound or infra-sonic vibrations. Does that mean they don't exist? Just because we can't see or hear them?
So why believe that there is only life similar to ours in the known universe, and I say known because also in the scientific environment there is already talk of multiuniverses or multiverses.
So why believe that those extraterrestrial beings that visit us necessarily have the same biological configuration as us. Perhaps their physical bodies as well as their ships or space vehicles cannot vibrate at frequencies that cannot be detected by our ocular nervous system or by our radars or tracking equipment, developed with our limited technological capacity. Is it impossible for them to move through the universe or between different dimensions, through wormholes and black holes? Today science debates the possibility of time travel, when a few years ago it was just science fiction.
It may sound like science fiction, but sometimes reality is stranger than fiction. In my particular case, I cannot deny its existence since from a very young age I have had experiences with unknown realities for the human being, although it is true that I do not agree with those people who have mystified the phenomenon and have even created pseudo religions for the adoration of these beings, it is also true that a few decades ago when the subject was discussed, they called you crazy or paranoid, and there was no way to verify your experiences, but from the invention of camcorders and more recently with digital cameras and cell phones with cameras, it is very easy to take a photo or record a video and have the irrefutable proof.
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