Extraterrestrial Races - Pleiadians or Nordic Aliens

Extraterrestrial Races - Pleiadians or Nordic Aliens
The Nordic Aliens also known as Pleiadians, are humanoid aliens who come from the star systems that surround the stars of the Pleiades. Considered part of the "good side" of the extraterrestrial races since they are divine human beings of light who have reached in their consciousness a spiritual state much greater than that of our current society.
They come from the Pleiades (which means "doves" in Greek), also known as Object Messier 45, M45, Las Siete Hermanaso Cabrillas, or Los Siete Cabritos, it is an open cluster visible to the naked eye in the night sky, with a prominent place in ancient mythology, located next to the constellation of Taurus.
They are a group of very young stars located at a distance of approximately 440 light years from Earth and are contained in a space of thirty light years. They were formed just about 100 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era on Earth, from the collapse of an interstellar gas cloud. The largest and brightest stars in the cluster are bluish-white in color and about five times larger than the Sun.
The Pleiadians come from the planet Erra near the star Taygeta and and Maya are benevolent beings with respect to the other races, they possess a great amount of spiritual wisdom and technological knowledge since their ancestry, as in the case of the other Pleiadians, corresponds to Lyra.
Life in Erra is peaceful and harmonious. Everyone strives for the best for the good of all. If we could go to the planet of origin of the Pleiadians, we would not see much because life and civilization and all their works exist in a slightly different dimension and time frame. Your timing is slightly altered, which also affects your vibrational state of being. You must adjust this time and vibration a bit to contact us and we should do the same to perceive your native existence.
They are healers, understand creativity, mystical, caring, relaxing, empathetic, communicative, radiant, imaginative, sensitive, intuitive, and in tune with the natural world.
They are humanoid beings, with harmonious bodies and symmetrical characteristics that reflect their higher dimensional frequency. They are characterized by being tall beings of an average height between 1.80 meters and 2.30 meters, with white skin, blond hair and predominantly blue eyes, although there is also talk of some Pleiadians with brown hair and green eyes. They are commonly known as "Nordics".
They almost always lack pigmentation in their skin and hair, giving them an albino appearance. Many Pleiadians have an Asian appearance. As a general rule, Pleiadians have slender bodies, although females are known to have curved figures. They do not usually have curly hair or beards.
As such, its beauty is reminiscent of African / Egyptian gods and goddesses or angels, which are generally pleasant to see. "Human" aliens have been a staple of science fiction from the beginning.
The ships they use are not just an object. They have consciousness since they fly with divine energy and with such, they can go wherever they want in the entire universe in just one second. They can make the ship invisible or, in any way: dolphin, cloud, crystal, etc.
Thanks to this, they can travel in time and can be energy or matter just by thinking about it. Their average lifespan ranges from 700 to 1000 Earth years. They are probably the race that most helps our society and the planet for their spiritual benefit.
The Mayans based their Haab civil calendar on the annual cycle of the Pleiades, and believed it to be the place of origin of their culture. They are called Tzab-ek or rattlesnake tail, and are also known as The Seven Sisters.
Our sun is the eighth star of the Pleiades and is a twin star of Sirius A, orbiting Alcyone, the central star of the Pleiades, approximately every 24,000 years.
There are six planets in the Pleiades inhabited by advanced Pleiadians, although there are variations in genotype and expression of consciousness. Three of the planets are inhabited by Pleiadians of the human type, that is, they are found in bodies similar to humans, and the other planets are inhabited by beings of light and energy, in which resides a council of twelve super beings who govern the culture of the Pleiades.
The three planets that are inhabited by the physical type are called: Ariano, Alderón and Aldebaran.
There is a collective group of Pleiadians consisting of beings both focused on bodies and as manifesting into beings of light, who are channeling information through Barbara Marciniak (these Pleiadians, who could consist of members from all six planets, are gathering more members not -pleyadians).
They manifest their ideas telepathically in human beings. This is done by connecting with the mind of the person to whom they wish to speak, talking with him preferably in times of meditation or a lot of relaxation and with subjects who are conscious and spiritual. Another telepathic way could be through dreams.
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