Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom
Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom Millions of people in the world believe they have been abducted by aliens or extraterrestrials. Many do not recall having these experiences due to memory suppression. Many are not yet ready to find out, and others feel a very strong need to know about this topic. Within the field of ufology, abduction is the act by which extraterrestrial beings abduct a living terrestrial being against their will and take it to a certain place, generally to their own spaceship. The Alien Abduction or Abduction Phenomenon describes "subjectively real memories of having been secretly taken against their will by non-human entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures." Abductions have always been one of the most strange factors within the complexity of the UFO phenomenon itself. We speak of thousands of people kidnapped and manipulated by beings from other worlds. Whatever the conclusions that can be d...