
Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom

    Alien Abductions or Abductions Phenomenom Millions of people in the world believe they have been abducted by aliens or extraterrestrials. Many do not recall having these experiences due to memory suppression. Many are not yet ready to find out, and others feel a very strong need to know about this topic. Within the field of ufology, abduction is the act by which extraterrestrial beings abduct a living terrestrial being against their will and take it to a certain place, generally to their own spaceship. The  Alien Abduction  or  Abduction Phenomenon  describes "subjectively real memories of having been secretly taken against their will by non-human entities and subjected to complex physical and psychological procedures." Abductions have always been one of the most strange factors within the complexity of the UFO phenomenon itself. We speak of thousands of people kidnapped and manipulated by beings from other worlds. Whatever the conclusions that can be d...

Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object

  Known UFO Types - Unidentified Flying Object The term UFO Unidentified Flying Object refers to the observation of a flying object, real or apparent, that cannot be identified by the observer and whose origin remains unknown after an investigation. The term was introduced in 1953 by the United States Air Force to serve as the basis for all reports related to the UFO subject. One of the most important topics about the UFO Phenomenon is everything related to the most common forms of ships observed, photographed or filmed around the world. According to information obtained over the years by observers, there are many different types of UFOs or Alien Spaceships. In popular usage, the term UFO was used to refer to sightings of alien spacecraft. Because some ufologists and researchers prefer to use terms like "unidentified aerial phenomenon" (UAP) or "anomalous phenomena", as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena (NARCAP). The ...

Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians

  Extraterrestrial Races - Arcturus - Arcturians The Arctuarians  belong to the fifth-dimensional civilization known as  Arcturus , which represents a prototype of Earth's future. Its energy functions as an emotional, mental and spiritual healer for humanity. According to what Edgar Cayce said in his teachings that  Arcturus  is one of the most advanced civilizations in this galaxy. The Arcturians  are the benevolent beings of the Bootes Constellation who have kept planet Earth safe from the evil agendas of both the Gray Aliens and the Reptilian Aliens. Arcturians possess universal knowledge of the higher meanings of spiritual and mental health, and allow humans to harness their teachings through the alien channeling of Arcturus.   Arcturus  itself is the brightest star in the constellation Bootes, which is about thirty-six light years from Earth. Of all the extraterrestrial civilizations, the beings of Arcturus, probably due to their total focus ...

Extraterrestrial Races - The Civilization of Lyra or Lyrians

  Extraterrestrial Races - The Civilization of Lyra or Lyrians The extraterrestrial beings from the  Lyra Civilization  better known as  Lyrians , belong to the mother civilization to which we humans belong, it is located thirty light years from our solar system. The Lyrians  were present on the face of the Earth from the year one hundred and ninety-six thousand before Christ, until the year ten of our Era: throughout a period of two hundred and six thousand years. That is, they left our planet ten years after Christ. Just as there are various human types on Earth, in Lyra we can identify at least six morphological types: Caucasian, with white skin and light hair; Non-Caucasian with brown skin; Giants, up to 2.70 m. Tall; Redheads, fierce in character; Looking like a bird; and looking like a feline. The Lyra Civilization  evolved peacefully for eighteen million years, before its migration outward. At some point in their history they were discovered, and lat...

Extraterrestrial Races - Pleiadians or Nordic Aliens

Extraterrestrial Races - Pleiadians or Nordic Aliens The  Nordic Aliens  also known as  Pleiadians , are humanoid aliens who come from the star systems that surround the stars of the Pleiades. Considered part of the "good side" of the extraterrestrial races since they are divine human beings of light who have reached in their consciousness a spiritual state much greater than that of our current society. They come from the Pleiades (which means "doves" in Greek), also known as Object Messier 45, M45, Las Siete Hermanaso Cabrillas, or Los Siete Cabritos, it is an open cluster visible to the naked eye in the night sky, with a prominent place in ancient mythology, located next to the constellation of Taurus. They are a group of very young stars located at a distance of approximately 440 light years from Earth and are contained in a space of thirty light years. They were formed just about 100 million years ago, during the Mesozoic era on Earth, from the collapse of an in...

Extraterrestrial Races - Reptilians

    Extraterrestrial Races - Reptilians - Also known as Reptiloids, Draconians, or Lizardmen Since ancient times, there has been talk of civilizations of beings with the appearance of reptiles. In Athens, the legend of the Crecops was told, who was said to be half man and half snake; in India, the Naga, reptilian beings that lived underground and sometimes interacted with humans, were feared. The Sumerians spoke of a foreign race known as the Anunnaki, who would have genetically manipulated the DNA of man and would have created a hybrid being. The Aztecs, for their part, worshiped Quetzalcóatl, the feathered serpent, which had its equivalent in the Mayan civilization in Kukulcan. In Japan, still in Catholicity, the legend of the Kappa, a humanoid with reptilian features. The physical characteristics of the reptilians. It is said that they come from a star system called Alpha Draconis and that they currently inhabit a large network of underground caves with long tunnels and can...

Extraterrestrial Races - Gray Aliens

    Extraterrestrial Races - Gray Aliens The Gray Aliens  are cloned extraterrestrial beings created by the Reptilian Aliens as a slave race.  Reptilians  are highly advanced but negative and hostile beings towards humans. They would inhabit a planetoid led by them and would be in search of a new planet to live on. Since their rebellion against the oppressive regime of the Reptilian Aliens, the Gray Aliens have wondered at the far reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy and Universe. Their physical characteristics are similar: grayish skin, a large head with an inverted "pear" shape, without hair, large black eyes, a small mouth without lips, they have almost no nose, ears without a pinna, their body is thin, their very long arms and fingers reproduce by cloning as their reproductive system has been presumably damaged by noxious radiation. These beings do not have good intentions with humans, they are responsible for the abductions, it seems that they are trying to cros...

Extraterrestrial Races

    Extraterrestrial Races There are many different types of alien species in the universe that visit or have visited our planet. One of the most difficult areas for those investigating the UFO phenomenon is the large number of extraterrestrial races that appear in the testimonies of a variety of whistleblowers / contactees / abductees and other sources. In our Universe there are a little more than 10,000,000 worlds with humanities similar to ours, but for some reason, only a few races are or have been involved with our development of life. According to the descriptions found in the ancient accounts, as well as in the recent ones, we could classify extraterrestrial beings into Humanoids and non-Humanoids. Non-humanoid aliens are all those non-human figures that have been classified as monsters and demons throughout history. According to their characteristics and as a result of observation, they are defined as reptiles or as insects of supernatural size. Humanoids are the large...